Codenza a handy application for programmers Codenza is an Android App developed for IT/Comps Students to help with the aspects of programming. We want users to code less and think more about their implementation of their program/project. No Internet Required Once Downloaded on your phone, you don't need to have a Internet Connection since all the programs are stored inside the App. One Click Download All the programs are one click away from download. Download. Transfer. Execute. (If you know what I mean) Smart Phone Ready At the moment, Codenza is designed only for Android & Kindle. We will be launching an IOS Version Soon. Minimalistic Design Codenza has a very simplistic design. We did not want to make anything grand. Just a simple App that will be used for reference coding. 18 Subjects Covered So far we have covered 18 subjects and we are increasing that count day by day. We will keep updating the list in the future update...